Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) is an MRI technique used to image blood vessels. MR angiography is often used to evaluate the arteries of the neck and brain, thoracic and abdominal aorta, the renal arteries, and the legs (called a “run-off”). Some of the conditions an MRA scan can detect are:
- Stenosis or occlusions
- Aneurysms (vessel wall dilatations which may be at risk of rupture)
- Carotid artery disease
- Atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries)
Most MRAs require an injection of contrast called gadolinium. Gadolinium is usually given before your exam through a vein (IV) in your hand or forearm. NSI is proud to announce a revolutionary use of Inhance, a new MRA technique that allows the evaluation of abdominal arteries without contrast.
If for any reason a patient is unable to have an MRI or MRA scan, iodinated contrast may be used for visualizing vessels with CT instead, which is known as a CTA.
An MRA or a CTA may be scheduled at any of our three facilities—Orlando, Melbourne, and Merritt Island. Our scheduling staff will work hard to provide you with a convenient date and time. Once scheduled, you will be asked to arrive 15 minutes prior to your exam to complete documents associated with your exam. For patients having MRIs/MRAs, it is extremely important that you remove all jewelry, watches, wallets, purses, keys, phones, hairpins, credit/debit cards, and any other metallic object before your exam. These items may affect the quality of the images produced. When placed within the magnetic field, these items may be damaged and can cause harm or discomfort to you.
MRA Procedure Preparation
- If you are having an exam with contrast, you will be asked to fast for up to 2 hours prior to your exam. Our scheduling staff will inform you of your prep if one is needed; otherwise, you may follow your daily routine and take any prescribed medications.
- Wear comfortable clothing such as sweat pants, sweat shirts, sports bra, etc., making sure the clothing contains no metal such as buttons, zippers, snaps or clasps.
- Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your appointment time. Your scan may take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour, depending on the scan, but allow extra time for check-in.
- Hearing aids and any other electronic or metal devices will need to be removed before entering the MRI scan room. These devices can be damaged by the magnetic field.
- Lockers are provided for wallets, keys, watches, and other personal items.
- Please bring your exam prescription (if your doctor prescribed one) along with your insurance card and a photo ID.
- Be sure to bring any related or prior scans and films that were NOT performed at NSI.
- Please bring a method of payment for your co-pay or deductible, if applicable.
CTA Procedure Preparation
- If you are having an exam with contrast, you will be asked to fast for up to 4 hours prior to your exam.
- Some exams require you to drink an oral contrast just prior to the test. This prep can only be obtained from our facilities. You will be required to pick this prep up at least 2 hours prior to your exam and instructions will be given as to what time to drink each bottle.
- Please bring your exam prescription (if your doctor prescribed one) along with your insurance card and a photo ID.
- Be sure to bring any related or prior scans and films that were NOT performed at NSI.
- Please bring a method of payment for your co-pay or deductible, if applicable.
255 North Sykes Creek Parkway, Suite 102, Merritt Island, Florida 32953
(321) 454-4897