1.5 Tesla Open MRI
1.5 Tesla Open Mri
Our Siemens MAGNETOM Espree High-Field 1.5T Open MRI is the only open bore (tube) MRI that combines expansive patient comfort with no compromise in scan power. Our Siemens MAGNETOM Espree High-Field 1.5T Open MRI provides a high-quality alternative for patients who are claustrophobic or require a higher weight capacity (up to 550 pounds). Through a combination of magnetism, radio frequency, and computer processing, radiologists are provided with detailed images of the body’s internal anatomy without exposing you to radiation. The scanner provides early detection of a wide range of conditions. Some of the most common detected conditions are:
- Strokes, aneurysms, and carotid arteries in the head and neck
- Cysts, tumors, and cancer throughout the body
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS), spinal cord deterioration, chiari malformation and other diseases of the central nervous system
- Conditions of the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, and male and female organs
- Musculoskeletal diseases and disorders of bones and joints
Though MRIs are the scan of choice for diagnostic imaging, it produces a powerful magnetic field. Please let us know before making an appointment if you have or have had any of the following:
- Cardiac pacemaker
- Aneurysm clip in the brain
- Ear or eye implant
- Nerve stimulator
- Drug infusion pump
- Surgery within the last 8 weeks
- Any other procedure where medical personnel might have left a stent, coil, filter, wire, or any other implantable device inside your body
The Siemens MAGNETOM Espree High-Field 1.5T Open MRI is available at our Orlando, Melbourne, and Merritt Island facilities. Our scheduling staff will work hard to provide you with a convenient date and time. Once scheduled, you will be asked to arrive 15 minutes prior to your exam to complete documents associated with your exam. It is extremely important that you remove all jewelry, watches, wallets, purses, keys, phones, hairpins, credit/debit cards, and any other metallic object before your exam. These items may affect the quality of the images produced. When placed within the magnetic field, these items may be damaged and can cause harm or discomfort to you.
Procedure Preparation
- If you are having an exam with contrast, you will be asked to fast for up to 2 hours prior to your exam. Our scheduling staff will inform you of your prep if one is needed; otherwise, you may follow your daily routine and take any prescribed medications.
- Wear comfortable clothing such as sweat pants, sweat shirts, sports bra, etc., making sure the clothing contains no metal such as buttons, zippers, snaps or clasps.
- Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your appointment time. Your scan may take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour, depending on the scan, but allow extra time for check-in.
- Hearing aids and any other electronic or metal devices will need to be removed before entering the MRI scan room. These devices can be damaged by the magnetic field.
- Lockers are provided for wallets, keys, watches, and other personal items.
- Please bring your exam prescription along with your insurance card and a photo ID.
- Be sure to bring any related or prior scans and films that were NOT performed at NSI.
- Please bring a method of payment for your co-pay or deductible, if applicable.
255 North Sykes Creek Parkway, Suite 102, Merritt Island, Florida 32953
(321) 454-4897